It has long been known in psychological circles that children raised in orphanages are typically and significantly less sociable and intelligent than children raised in natural family environments. They all too often end up in dead-end lives or in prisons. What has been lacking until recently is a scientifically sound study of a cohort of sufficient size to allow valid conclusions to be drawn. To correct that deficiency, Charles Nelson of Harvard, Nathan Fox of University of Maryland, and Charles Zeanah of Tulane with the help of SERA, a Rumanian NGO and in cooperation with the Rumanian government, began a study in 2000 that is still ongoing, but that has already provided scientific answers for some of the questions. See the April 2013 edition of Scientific American, p64 for more.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Sunday, March 24, 2013.
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These two phrases capture the essence of life—as it exists and as it ascended to its present level. As it exists, nurture provides us with a flexible framework of
behavioral traits that depend in complex ways on our particular genomes. For our purpose on this page we use the word temperament to designate these inborn features. These features are observed not just among humans but among animals as well. Further, they vary within species. How else could the various breeds of dogs having different inborn temperaments have arisen through selective breeding? Further, it is now clear that “training” can affect behavior in both animals and humans. The result of “training” we term personality. Our individual personalities therefore are the products of nature / nurture.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Sunday, February 03, 2013.
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Stefane Hessel is a 93 year old veteran of WWII. And more. After release from a Nazi concentration camp, he entered French government service and rose to represent his country as a diplomat. He is an unabashed liberal and patriot. He wrote a 13 page book,
Indignez vous! (Cry out!), with nothing factually new between the covers, but with content organized to hit home.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Friday, January 07, 2011.
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George Lakoff: Don't Think Of An Elephant
Book Review
This book is not only timely, it is timeless. Lakoff provides much more than a road map for effective communications--his matchless insights into the basic mechanics employed so effectively by the Republican party beginning in Nixon's time. Thanks to Lakoff, the political playing field can now be leveled--if we take his advice. The challenge for progressives will be to not misuse the power of
Lakoff has provided yet another avenue on the road to peace.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Monday, May 11, 2009.
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Based heavily on:
If the world is to make progress in reducing violence, children must be raised protected from fearful situations, and when that is not possible, encouraged to talk about them—to keep them conscious and aware so they can be ameliorated. As it is, many of us with hang-ups, are not aware of reality to the extent we could be. And this works against the cause of peace. We develop defense mechanisms--we do not know we have them--even though they get in our way. The more we can learn about them, the easier it will be to find inner peace on our collective ways to a more peaceful earth.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Monday, March 10, 2008.
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Updated 05 Aug 2007
A touchy subject? For sure. Privileged societies tend naturally to solve the problem--by limiting their birth rates. Not so for the less privileged, at least in our times. "The weapon of the womb" is alive and a tactic the disadvantaged can and do resort to. Already, there are too many people on earth to provide enough reserve to survive a natural world catastrophe, such as a large bolide, that obliterates 90% of all higher creatures.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Wednesday, July 11, 2007.
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Turn the tables on terror by eliminating
Blind Obedience and reversing
Milgram's Findings! Instead of 65-85% of us blindly following orders to harm others just because some authority figure tells us to, we "stiffen our spines" and bring that percentage down to near the 4% level where the sociopaths, those without conscience, reign. Surely the
"can do" spirit for which Americans are known can pull off this little trick (not so little really).
Posted by RoadToPeace on Sunday, June 17, 2007.
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If all we ever have is our own individual rules, how can we form societies? Society after all does require some conformance, or else it is not society. The results can be as profound as the basis is simple. By the same token, societies show as much variation within as among themselves.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Friday, July 28, 2006.
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Kris Rosenberg
In this essay Kris Rosenberg examines the turf upon which men and women walk, relate upon and fight over. The real turf is not the kind one plays football upon; her turf is all in the mind and is as complex as the complications of character, personality and intelligence can make it. Many of her suggestions can be generalized to society and on to the world at large in the interest of peace. Shiela and Nate are pseudonyms. [Ed comments]
Posted by RoadToPeace on Saturday, January 28, 2006.
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Most people suffer from it to their detriment and to the detriment of others. Rational thinking is subjugated to emotions. Here is how it works.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Thursday, December 01, 2005.
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Revised 13 April 2006
We believe freedom is a condition whose time has come. It must be nurtured and guaranteed -- from the individual through all levels of societies. Likewise, on the international scale, nations must feel free and unoppressed by all other nations. To be sure as the 21st century dawns, this is idealistic. We also believe that with the future of humanity at stake, there is too little idealism in this world.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Sunday, November 27, 2005.
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Dealing With The Psychological Roots of Authoritarianism
Do You Want a Paint-by-Number Life or Are You Working on an Original?
Kris Rosenberg |
Posted by RoadToPeace on Tuesday, August 23, 2005.
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